Vuetify Login Form

In this tutorial, we will create a simple and elegant login form using Vuetify, a popular Vue.js framework for building user interfaces. This login form will include fields for the user's email address and password, as well as some additional features to enhance the user experience. We'll also provide the code for the login form, so you can easily integrate it into your Vue.js application

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Abhishek Yadav (SD) SDE of FAI


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Anil Kumar (Expert) Coding Expert of FAI


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Oct 30, 2023 05:10 AM Last Updated

The Vuetify Login Form Code HTML Structure

Here is the code for the Vuetify login form:

This code snippet represents a login form built using Vuetify, a Vue.js framework for Material Design components. The form includes fields for email and password, with a password visibility toggle. There's also a warning about login attempts and options to reset password or sign up. The form has a clean, responsive design using Vuetify components.

Vuetify Login Form | Signin Form

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JavaScript Logic

Now, let's dive into the JavaScript part. We're using Vue.js to manage the form's functionality and Vuetify to style it

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The JavaScript code initializes a Vue app, which manages the visibility of the password using the visible data property. When the user clicks on the eye icon, it toggles between showing and hiding the password.

Output of Vuetify Login Form

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