Vuetify validate textarea character limit

In web development, it's often essential to implement form validation to ensure user input meets specific criteria. This post focuses on validating the character limit of a Vuetify textarea in a Vue.js application. We'll examine the code snippet provided and discuss how it enforces a character limit of 50 and validates user input

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Abhishek Yadav (SD) SDE of FAI


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Anil Kumar (Expert) Coding Expert of FAI


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Nov 01, 2023 12:11 PM Last Updated

Vuetify is a popular Material Design component framework for Vue.js that simplifies the creation of elegant user interfaces. One common use case is to validate user input, such as limiting the number of characters in a textarea. In this code snippet, we demonstrate how to implement character limit validation in a Vuetify-based form.

The HTML structure starts with a Vuetify v-container element that contains a title, a v-form component, and a v-textarea input. The v-textarea element is the focus of our character limit validation. Here's a breakdown of the relevant code.

Validating Textarea Character Limit in Vuetify

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The v-textarea component is bound to a text variable using v-model. The :counter attribute is used to display the character count. The :rules attribute specifies an array of validation rules, with validateTextArea being one of them. The label attribute provides a description of the input field.

The JavaScript section of the code defines a Vue instance and includes the validateTextArea method:

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The validateTextArea method checks if the length of the text input is between 1 and 50 characters. If the condition is met, it returns true, indicating a successful validation. Otherwise, it returns an error message indicating that the input must be 1 to 50 characters

Output of Vuetify Validate Textarea Character Limit

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In summary, this code snippet demonstrates how to use Vuetify and Vue.js to validate the character limit of a textarea in a web form. The v-textarea element, combined with the :rules attribute and the validateTextArea method, allows you to ensure that user input adheres to specific character count criteria
