Angry Face With Horns Emoji 👿

👿 Symbol Emoji meaning is "Angry Face With Horns". Unicode of Angry Face With Horns "👿" Emoji is 1f47f and HTML entity code is 👿. Angry Face With Horns Emoji text copy paste work well with all platforms like - WhatsApp, Facebook, Google, Mail, Snapchat, Discord, Instagram, and other. This 👿 Emoji comes under the Smileys & Emotion (face-negative) category. The order of the Angry Face With Horns emoji is "460". Check more details of Angry Face With Horns Emoji meaning by boy and girl, Unicode, and HTML Text Copy and Paste from below.

👿 Depicts a face expressing anger, frustration, or displeasure. It symbolizes strong negative emotions, irritability, or a reaction to something that has caused annoyance or provocation.
👿 After looking at this emoji, a boy feels a surge of anger or irritation, possibly triggered by a frustrating situation, an injustice, or a perceived injustice.
👿 After looking at this emoji, a girl feels a mix of anger and determination, channeling her emotions towards initiating positive change or standing up for what she believes in.
A boy responds to this emoji by adding 💢 (Anger Symbol) to express his intense anger or to symbolize his urge to vent or release the built-up frustration in a healthy way.
A girl responds to this emoji by adding 💢 (Anger Symbol) to signify her passion for justice or to highlight her commitment to transforming anger into fuel for positive action, advocating for fairness and equality.
👿 😠💢 (Angry Face + Anger Symbol)

Angry face with horns Emoji Copy & Paste (CNP) | 👿 Meaning

Click on the below Symbol Angry Face With Horns html icon "👿 COPY" button and paste or share anywhere.


Angry face with horns 👿 Emoji, Symbol HTML Icon Code Download

You can get html icon angry face with horns by simply clicking on download png or copy html code as below.

Html Entity/Code


How to add Angry Face With Horns Emoji Icon?

Here are the five important steps to add this Emoji icon.

  • STEP 1 - Copy Angry Face With Horns Emoji or Html Entity Code or Unicode as per your requirement. Paste copied Emoji/Code to the place where you want to use.
  • STEP 2 - Download PNG format of Angry Face With Horns and use it.


Angry face with horns Symbol Emoji Related Icons

Here are some related emoji icons matching to Angry face with horns.

Emojis unite the world in black and white, copy-paste on any device, iPhone, Android or Apple, spread the love on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, because expression knows no bounds.

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