Face With Open Mouth Emoji Symbol refers to a pale face with small, wide eyes and a large, round mouth, slack in surprise or shock, as if to say wow! or ouch! May express feelings such as fear or disbelief, often in a lighter or more ironic tone than yelling scared face.
😮 Symbol Emoji meaning is "Face With Open Mouth". Unicode of Face With Open Mouth "😮" Emoji is 1f62e and HTML entity code is 😮. Face With Open Mouth Emoji text copy paste work well with all platforms like - WhatsApp, Facebook, Google, Mail, Snapchat, Discord, Instagram, and other. This 😮 Emoji comes under the Smileys & Emotion (face-concerned) category. The order of the Face With Open Mouth emoji is "388". Check more details of Face With Open Mouth Emoji meaning by boy and girl, Unicode, and HTML Text Copy and Paste from below.
😮 The pen emoji represents writing, creativity, and expression. It can be used to indicate the act of writing, signing documents, or drawing. It can also symbolize intelligence, knowledge, and communication. Related terms include ink, paper, stationery, handwriting, and education.
😮 For boys, the pen emoji may imply a focus on academics, intellect, or artistic pursuits. It can be used to show interest in writing, sketching, or expressing oneself through words and drawings.
😮 For girls, the pen emoji can signify creativity, imagination, and a love for writing or art. It may be used to express passion for literature, calligraphy, or storytelling.
Boy: "Hey, I just finished writing a short story. Wanna read it? 🖊️"
Girl: "Sure, I'd love to! I enjoy reading and appreciate your writing skills. 📚🖊️"
😮 1. 🖊️📚🎨 - This combination suggests a person who enjoys writing, reading, and engaging in artistic endeavors. It represents a well-rounded individual with a creative and intellectual side.
Face with open mouth Emoji Copy & Paste (CNP) | 😮 Meaning
Click on the below Symbol Face With Open Mouth html icon "😮 COPY" button and paste or share anywhere.
Face with open mouth 😮 Emoji, Symbol HTML Icon Code Download
You can get html icon face with open mouth by simply clicking on download png or copy html code as below.
Here are the five important steps to add this Emoji icon.
STEP 1 - Copy Face With Open Mouth Emoji or Html Entity Code or Unicode as per your requirement. Paste copied Emoji/Code to the place where you want to use.
STEP 2 - Download PNG format of Face With Open Mouth and use it.
Face with open mouth Symbol Emoji Related Icons
Here are some related emoji icons matching to Face with open mouth.
Emojis unite the world in black and white, copy-paste on any device, iPhone, Android or Apple, spread the love on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat, because expression knows no bounds.