Steam Fill Icon SVG
Steam Fill
Steam fill SVG Icon Code | Customize color
You can get svg icon steam fill in blue, white, red color and transparent color from below list. You can also customize color using color picker.
Svg Code
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="none" d="M0 0H24V24H0z"/> <path d="M12.004 2c-5.25 0-9.556 4.05-9.964 9.197l5.36 2.216c.454-.31 1.002-.492 1.593-.492.053 0 . 1.69-3.77 3.77-3.77 2.079 0 3.77 1.692 3.77 3.772s-1.692 3.771-3.77 3.771h-.087l-3.397 2.426c0 . 0 1.562-1.262 2.83-2.825 2.83-1.362 0-2.513-.978-2.775-2.273l-3.838-1.589C3.573 18.922 7.427 22 12.005 22c5.522 0 9.998-4.477 9.998-10 0-5.522-4.477-10-9.999-10zM7.078 16.667c.218.452.595.832 1.094 1.041 1.081.45 2.328-.063 2.777-1.145.22-.525.22-1.1.004-1.625-.215-.525-.625-.934-1.147-1.152-.52-.217-1.075-.208-1.565-.025l1.269.525c.797.333 1.174 1.25.84 2.046-.33.797-1.247 1.175-2.044.843l-1.228-.508zm10.74-7.245c0-1.385-1.128-2.512-2.513-2.512-1.387 0-2.512 1.127-2.512 2.512 0 1.388 1.125 2.513 2.512 2.513 1.386 0 2.512-1.125 2.512-2.513zM15.31 7.53c1.04 0 1.888.845 1.888 1.888s-.847 1.888-1.888 1.888c-1.044 0-1.888-.845-1.888-1.888s.845-1.888 1.888-1.888z"/> </g> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: white" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="white" d="M0 0H24V24H0z"></path> <path d="M12.004 2c-5.25 0-9.556 4.05-9.964 9.197l5.36 2.216c.454-.31 1.002-.492 1.593-.492.053 0 . 1.69-3.77 3.77-3.77 2.079 0 3.77 1.692 3.77 3.772s-1.692 3.771-3.77 3.771h-.087l-3.397 2.426c0 . 0 1.562-1.262 2.83-2.825 2.83-1.362 0-2.513-.978-2.775-2.273l-3.838-1.589C3.573 18.922 7.427 22 12.005 22c5.522 0 9.998-4.477 9.998-10 0-5.522-4.477-10-9.999-10zM7.078 16.667c.218.452.595.832 1.094 1.041 1.081.45 2.328-.063 2.777-1.145.22-.525.22-1.1.004-1.625-.215-.525-.625-.934-1.147-1.152-.52-.217-1.075-.208-1.565-.025l1.269.525c.797.333 1.174 1.25.84 2.046-.33.797-1.247 1.175-2.044.843l-1.228-.508zm10.74-7.245c0-1.385-1.128-2.512-2.513-2.512-1.387 0-2.512 1.127-2.512 2.512 0 1.388 1.125 2.513 2.512 2.513 1.386 0 2.512-1.125 2.512-2.513zM15.31 7.53c1.04 0 1.888.845 1.888 1.888s-.847 1.888-1.888 1.888c-1.044 0-1.888-.845-1.888-1.888s.845-1.888 1.888-1.888z" fill="white"></path> </g> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: red" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="red" d="M0 0H24V24H0z"></path> <path d="M12.004 2c-5.25 0-9.556 4.05-9.964 9.197l5.36 2.216c.454-.31 1.002-.492 1.593-.492.053 0 . 1.69-3.77 3.77-3.77 2.079 0 3.77 1.692 3.77 3.772s-1.692 3.771-3.77 3.771h-.087l-3.397 2.426c0 . 0 1.562-1.262 2.83-2.825 2.83-1.362 0-2.513-.978-2.775-2.273l-3.838-1.589C3.573 18.922 7.427 22 12.005 22c5.522 0 9.998-4.477 9.998-10 0-5.522-4.477-10-9.999-10zM7.078 16.667c.218.452.595.832 1.094 1.041 1.081.45 2.328-.063 2.777-1.145.22-.525.22-1.1.004-1.625-.215-.525-.625-.934-1.147-1.152-.52-.217-1.075-.208-1.565-.025l1.269.525c.797.333 1.174 1.25.84 2.046-.33.797-1.247 1.175-2.044.843l-1.228-.508zm10.74-7.245c0-1.385-1.128-2.512-2.513-2.512-1.387 0-2.512 1.127-2.512 2.512 0 1.388 1.125 2.513 2.512 2.513 1.386 0 2.512-1.125 2.512-2.513zM15.31 7.53c1.04 0 1.888.845 1.888 1.888s-.847 1.888-1.888 1.888c-1.044 0-1.888-.845-1.888-1.888s.845-1.888 1.888-1.888z" fill="red"></path> </g> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: blue" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="blue" d="M0 0H24V24H0z"></path> <path d="M12.004 2c-5.25 0-9.556 4.05-9.964 9.197l5.36 2.216c.454-.31 1.002-.492 1.593-.492.053 0 . 1.69-3.77 3.77-3.77 2.079 0 3.77 1.692 3.77 3.772s-1.692 3.771-3.77 3.771h-.087l-3.397 2.426c0 . 0 1.562-1.262 2.83-2.825 2.83-1.362 0-2.513-.978-2.775-2.273l-3.838-1.589C3.573 18.922 7.427 22 12.005 22c5.522 0 9.998-4.477 9.998-10 0-5.522-4.477-10-9.999-10zM7.078 16.667c.218.452.595.832 1.094 1.041 1.081.45 2.328-.063 2.777-1.145.22-.525.22-1.1.004-1.625-.215-.525-.625-.934-1.147-1.152-.52-.217-1.075-.208-1.565-.025l1.269.525c.797.333 1.174 1.25.84 2.046-.33.797-1.247 1.175-2.044.843l-1.228-.508zm10.74-7.245c0-1.385-1.128-2.512-2.513-2.512-1.387 0-2.512 1.127-2.512 2.512 0 1.388 1.125 2.513 2.512 2.513 1.386 0 2.512-1.125 2.512-2.513zM15.31 7.53c1.04 0 1.888.845 1.888 1.888s-.847 1.888-1.888 1.888c-1.044 0-1.888-.845-1.888-1.888s.845-1.888 1.888-1.888z" fill="blue"></path> </g> </svg>
Svg Code
<svg style="color: #f3da35" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"> <g> <path fill="#f3da35" d="M0 0H24V24H0z"></path> <path d="M12.004 2c-5.25 0-9.556 4.05-9.964 9.197l5.36 2.216c.454-.31 1.002-.492 1.593-.492.053 0 . 1.69-3.77 3.77-3.77 2.079 0 3.77 1.692 3.77 3.772s-1.692 3.771-3.77 3.771h-.087l-3.397 2.426c0 . 0 1.562-1.262 2.83-2.825 2.83-1.362 0-2.513-.978-2.775-2.273l-3.838-1.589C3.573 18.922 7.427 22 12.005 22c5.522 0 9.998-4.477 9.998-10 0-5.522-4.477-10-9.999-10zM7.078 16.667c.218.452.595.832 1.094 1.041 1.081.45 2.328-.063 2.777-1.145.22-.525.22-1.1.004-1.625-.215-.525-.625-.934-1.147-1.152-.52-.217-1.075-.208-1.565-.025l1.269.525c.797.333 1.174 1.25.84 2.046-.33.797-1.247 1.175-2.044.843l-1.228-.508zm10.74-7.245c0-1.385-1.128-2.512-2.513-2.512-1.387 0-2.512 1.127-2.512 2.512 0 1.388 1.125 2.513 2.512 2.513 1.386 0 2.512-1.125 2.512-2.513zM15.31 7.53c1.04 0 1.888.845 1.888 1.888s-.847 1.888-1.888 1.888c-1.044 0-1.888-.845-1.888-1.888s.845-1.888 1.888-1.888z" fill="#f3da35"></path> </g> </svg>
Advance Editor
You can edit steam fill as below. Change size color and background color of icon using below tool.