Bootstrap Image Center Align
Bootstrap Image Center Align: To center-align an image using Bootstrap, add the class "mx-auto d-block" to the image element. This will apply margin auto to both horizontal sides, effectively centering the image within its container. Additionally, make sure the container has the "text-center" class to center its contents horizontally. For vertical alignment, you can use "my-auto" class on the container to vertically center it. Remember to include the Bootstrap CSS file in your HTML document. With these modifications, the image will be centered both horizontally and vertically within its container using Bootstrap's utility classes.
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What is an example of center-aligning an image using Bootstrap?
To center-align an image using Bootstrap, you can utilize the built-in CSS class "text-center" along with the "mx-auto" class. By adding these classes to the parent container of the image, it will center-align within its container.
The "text-center" class horizontally centers the container's contents, while the "mx-auto" class sets the image to have automatic horizontal margins, effectively centering it within the containe