Bootstrap Text Align Center | Middle
Bootstrap Text Align Center | Middle:Bootstrap's "text-center" and "align-middle" classes are used to horizontally center text and vertically align it in an element. "Text-center" centers text within its parent element, while "align-middle" vertically aligns content in the middle of the parent element. These classes are helpful for creating aesthetically pleasing and well-organized layouts in web development, ensuring that text or content is both horizontally and vertically centered within a container. This enhances the visual appeal and readability of web pages, providing a clean and professional look to your design.
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How can I use Bootstrap to center-align text within an HTML element?
The code snippet uses Bootstrap's "text-center" class to center-align content within a <div> element. The heading (<h3>) and paragraph (<p>) inside the <div> will be horizontally centered on the page. This creates a visually balanced layout for text content, making it easier to read and aesthetically pleasing.