Vue Js Convert Array into Object
Vue Js Convert Array into Object:
Vue.js is a JavaScript framework that simplifies building user interfaces. Object.assign() is a method that copies the values of all enumerable properties from one or more source objects to a target object.
To convert an array into an object using Object.assign() in Vue.js,The result will be an object where each element of the original array is a property with a unique key.
In summary, by using Object.assign() in Vue.js, you can easily convert an array into an object with each element of the array being a property of the resulting object.
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How can I convert an array into a object using Vue.js?
This code creates a Vue application and binds it to an HTML element with the ID "app". The Vue application has a data object with two properties: "array", which is an array of strings, and "obj", which is an empty object.
The mounted hook is used to assign a new object to the "obj" property, which is created by using the Object.assign() method to copy the values from the "array" property.
Output of Vue Js Convert Array into Object
Using Spread Operator to Copy Arrays and Assign to Objects
It uses the spread operator to create a copy of the array and assign it to the object. However, since the spread operator creates a new array with numeric indices, the resulting object will have those indices as its properties, rather than the original array's values.