React js Convert Number to Lakh or Crore
React Js Convert Number To Lakh Or Crore : In React.js, converting numbers to the Indian numbering system of lakh (1,00,000) or crore (1,00,00,000) can be done by dividing the given number and displaying it with the appropriate label. For instance, 1,50,000 becomes "1.5 Lakh," while 1,50,00,000 is represented as "1.5 Crore." This conversion is implemented through a function that checks the magnitude of the number and formats it accordingly. The resulting formatted number is then displayed within a React component, allowing users to easily comprehend large numerical values in the context of the Indian numbering system
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How can React js convert a number into the Indian numbering system format (lakhs or crores)?
This React.js code defines a function, formatNumber
, which takes a numerical input and converts it into a string representation with either "Lakh" or "Crore" appended based on its magnitude. If the number is greater than or equal to 10,000,000, it divides it by 10,000,000 and appends "Cr" for Crore. If it's greater than or equal to 100,000, it divides it by 100,000 and appends "Lakh" for Lakh. Otherwise, it returns the number as a string. The code then renders this function's output for various numbers within a React component.