React Js make text with (#)hash tag bold
React Js make text with (#)hash tag bold:In React.js, you can make text with a hash tag (#) bold by using the <strong> tag, which is an HTML element for emphasizing text. To achieve this, you need to process the text and replace the hash tag with the <strong> tag. One way to do this is by using regular expressions or string manipulation functions like replace(). By applying this logic, you can dynamically render the text with the desired portions in bold using React.js and HTML's <strong> tag.

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How can I make text with hash tags (#) bold in React.js?
This React JS code defines a component that makes text with hash tags (#) bold. The code uses the useState hook to manage a state variable called "text" which initially contains a sample text. The "formatTextWithHashTags" function replaces all occurrences of hash tags followed by alphanumeric characters with the same text wrapped in strong HTML tags. The formatted text is then rendered using the dangerouslySetInnerHTML property to allow HTML rendering within a paragraph element.
React Js make text with (#)hash tag bold Example
<script type="text/babel">
const { useState } = React;
const App = () => {
const [text, setText] = useState("Make this #text #bold with start with (#)hash tag");
const formatTextWithHashTags = (text) => {
return text.replace(/#\w+/g, '<strong>$&</strong>');
return (
<div id="app">
<div className='container'>
<h1>React Js make text with (#)hash tag bold</h1>
<p>Normal Text: {text}</p>
<p dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: formatTextWithHashTags(text) }}></p>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));