React Js Get Element by Name
React Js Get Element by Name | document.getElementsByName:In Reactjs, you typically avoid direct DOM manipulation, but if necessary, you can access elements by name using document.getElementsByName
. This method returns a collection of elements with a specific name attribute in the document. However, in React, it's generally better to use React's virtual DOM and state management to manipulate elements, ensuring a more predictable and efficient UI. Direct DOM manipulation can lead to synchronization issues. Instead, consider using React's state and props to manage element behavior and rendering, promoting a more declarative and maintainable approach to building user interfaces.

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How can you retrieve an element by its name in a Reactjs?
This ReactJS code defines an App
component that, upon clicking a button, accesses HTML elements with the name "element" using document.getElementsByName
, then iterates through them, changing their background color to red and adding a margin of 10px. The JSX renders a container with a title, two div elements with the name "element," and a button. When the button is clicked, it triggers the handleClick
function, which modifies the specified elements' styles. This approach isn't idiomatic React; typically, React components manage the DOM via state and props, rather than directly manipulating elements.
React Js Get Element By Name
<script type="text/babel">
const App = () => {
const handleClick = () => {
const accessedElements = document.getElementsByName("element");
// Loop through accessed elements and set their background color to red
for (let i = 0; i < accessedElements.length; i++) {
accessedElements[i].style.backgroundColor = 'red';
accessedElements[i].style.margin = '10px';
return (
<div className='container'>
<h3>React Js Get Element by Name</h3>
<div name='element'>Element 1</div>
<div name='element'>Element 2</div>
<button onClick={handleClick}>Access Element 1</button>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));