React Js Website Loading Time Checker
React Js Website Loading Time Checker : A React.js website loading time checker is a web application built using the React.js library to measure and display the loading time of websites. It works by simulating a user's visit to a website and recording the time it takes for the website to fully load. This tool helps web developers and users assess a website's performance, identifying potential bottlenecks and optimization opportunities. It provides valuable insights into how quickly a website loads, which is crucial for user experience and search engine ranking. React.js is used to create an interactive and user-friendly interface for inputting website URLs and displaying loading time results efficiently.
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How do I check and improve a React.js website's loading time?
This React JS script creates a website loading time checker. It defines a functional component App
that measures the time it takes to fetch a specified URL using the
API. The loading time is displayed once the data is fetched, or an error message is shown if fetching fails. The component is wrapped in a container with a title and loading message, and it renders the loading time or "Loading..." text based on the fetch status. This component runs the fetch operation when mounted due to the empty dependency array in the useEffect
. It's a simple tool for monitoring website loading times and provides real-time feedback to users.