Phone Number Validation In React Js
Phone number validation in React JS is essential to ensure that users enter a valid and accurate 10-digit phone number, crucial for authentication and verification purposes. Various methods can be employed for phone number validation in React JS, including using regular expressions (regex) to match the desired format. Regex patterns can be customized to check if a string meets specific criteria. They are versatile, allowing customization to match various phone number formats, such as 10-digit mobile numbers, Indian phone numbers, or American phone numbers, and to identify errors in phone numbers.
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How to Validate Phone Number in React Js?
ReactJS Validate Phone Number or Mobile Number: In ReactJS, phone number validation can be done using regular expressions (regex). A regex pattern can define the format of a valid Indian or American phone number, and then the user's input is compared to the mobile number regex, Indian phone number regex, and American phone number regex. This can be achieved using the built-in JavaScript RegExp object.
Once a valid phone number pattern is defined, it can be used to check if the user's input matches that pattern. If the input matches the pattern, the 10-digit mobile number validation in ReactJS is considered valid. Otherwise, an error message can be displayed to the user indicating that the phone number is invalid
Output of Mobile Number Validation in React Js
How to Validate USA(American) Mobile Number in React Js?
This React.js example demonstrates how to validate a USA (American) phone number using regular expressions. It contains a form with an input field for entering a phone number.
The onChange event updates the phoneNumber state with the entered value and sets isValid to true. Upon form submission, the code checks if the American mobile number matches the provided regular expression pattern.
If it doesn't match, isValid is set to false, and an error message is displayed. If the phone number is valid.
Output of React Js Validate Phone Number
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