React Js Show More/Less Text Button

React Js Show More/Show less button:The "Show More/Show Less" button in React JS is a common feature used to toggle the visibility of long text content. It allows users to view a truncated version of the text initially, and by clicking the button, they can expand or collapse the content. The button is typically implemented by tracking the state of the component using React's state management, such as useState hook. When the button is clicked, the state is updated, which triggers a re-rendering of the component with the appropriate visibility of the text. This provides a user-friendly way to manage lengthy content and improve the user experience.

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How can I implement a "Show More/Show Less" text button in React.js?
The code provided demonstrates the implementation of a "Show More/Show Less" button in React.js. When the page loads, the component displays a truncated version of a paragraph. Clicking the "Show More" button expands the text to show the full paragraph, while clicking the "Show Less" button collapses it back to the truncated version. This functionality is achieved by managing state variables that control the visibility of the text and updating them accordingly when the buttons are clicked.
React Js Show More/Show less button Example
<script type="text/babel">
const { useState, useEffect } = React;
const App = () => {
const paragraph = 'A "Show more" or "Show less" text button in React.js is a user interface feature that allows users to toggle the visibility of long or truncated text content. When the "Show more" button is clicked, the hidden content is revealed, allowing users to see the full text. Conversely, when the "Show less" button is clicked, the content is collapsed or truncated again. This functionality is typically implemented by managing a state variable in React.js that controls the visibility of the text, and updating it accordingly when the buttons are clicked, triggering a re-render of the component.';
const [displayedText, setDisplayedText] = useState('');
const [isCollapsed, setIsCollapsed] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
const collapseText = (textSize) => {
setDisplayedText(paragraph.slice(0, textSize));
const expandText = () => {
return (
<div className="container">
<h3>React Js Show more or show less text button </h3>
<p className="text-btn" onClick={expandText} style={{ display: isCollapsed ? 'block' : 'none' }}>
Show more
<p className="text-btn" onClick={() => collapseText(200)} style={{ display: isCollapsed ? 'none' : 'block' }}>
Show less
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('app'));