React JS Tutorial

React Js Array foreach loop React Js Change Button Color on Click React Js Reset Form Fields React Base64 Decode React Js map jsx example | Array Map Method React Round to 2 Decimal Places React Close Window : Close Current Tab | Open Window Javascript Example React Js Concat Array React Js Convert String to Array | Splitting by commas. React Js Open link in new tab React Image Popup on click React Js Display/Show JSON array in table React Select All Checkbox | Unselect All | Deselect React js Disable button on click React Js Text Input Allow Only Number | React Numeric Input React Js Get Element Height and Width React Js Get Client IP Address React Js Radio Button Default Checked React Js Check if Array or Object contains Value React Js Concat String Method React Js Scroll to Top of Page React Js Generate Random Number React Js Adding Newline Characters in a String React Js Change Button Text on Click React Get Scroll Position React js Confirm Password Validation React Js String trim Method React Js Get Current Date React Js setInterval Method | SetTimeOut React Js Add Element or Items to Array by using Input Field React Js Detect mobile or desktop browser React Js Display Mouse/Cursor Position on Screen React Change Image Source Dynamically React Get Hash from URL React Print Page to PDF | window.print() React js Radio Button Checked Event React Js Refresh Page onClick React Js Scroll to Bottom of Page React Js Set Focus on Input field after rendering React Js Show Hide Password | Toggle Phone Number Validation In React Js React Js Enable Disable Textbox on Checkbox Value React add event listener to ref React Table Add Row Dynamically React Js Alert on click button React Js Get first index of item in array React Js compares two arrays of objects irrespective of order React Js Convert object or array to String React copy to clipboard onclick | React Js Paste from Clipboard Example React Js Get Current Domain name | Hostname React Js Time Picker Example React Js Compress Decompress string React Js Reload Page | Refresh React Js Download Text on Click React Js reload/refresh image with same URL onClick React Date Format - dd/mm/yyyy | yyyy-mm-dd React js on Change Event React Js Get Element by Id React Format Number with Commas Thousand Separators React Js String Replace Method React js Convert String to HTML React Js Get Element by ClassName React Js Get First Element/item of Array React Js Uncheck/Reset Radio Button | Deselect React Js Get Current URL React Js Change color dropdown option on selected React Days Between Two Dates React Js String Uppercase & Lowercase Method React Remove Item From Array React Js Get Maximum Value from Array React Js Check Property Exist in Object React Js Disable Input field onClick | Toggle React Textinput Readonly Attribute: How to Make Textarea and Textfield Non-Editable React Js Input Field Min Max Validation React Get Checkbox Value : How to Get All Checked Checkbox Value in React Js React Js Checkbox onChange event React Js Checkbox true false value React js Checkbox disable after checked React Js Checkbox readonly React Js Check array or object contains specfic value React js Check if array empty or not React Js Check Array of object empty or not React Js Check if Key Exist in object React Group Array Of Objects By Key React Js Get Screen width and Height React Js Parse JSON String React Js Scroll div to bottom React Js Scroll to Element React Js Sort Array of objects by a numeric property in ascending | descending order React Sort by Date: How to Sort Tables by Date in React React Js Set Input Field Default Value React Js Generate Random Password React Js Input Field Length Validation How to change taskbar color in Windows 11 PC (Desktop)/Laptop React Js Center Align Image React Allow Only Alphanumeric Character React Js Clear Input Field Value on Click Button React Js Disable Right Click on Webpage React Remove Duplicate from Array React Js Remove Duplicate property from array of object React Change Icon on Click React Sum Values in Array of Objects | Array Element React Js Generate Unique UUID React Js Get Browser User agent React Sort Array Alphabetically : Sort by Name, Sort List React Add Days to Date React Js Download Image from url React Js Track Time Spent on Webpage React Js Detect Internet Connection React Js Average of array item React Js Get Element Position React Js Array fill Method React Js Array Join Method React Js Detect Operating System of User React Get Base Url React Js Get Current day of Week React Js check cookie is enabled or disabled React Check if Input is Empty React Js setTimeout Method React Js set disabled option as default Value for select element React Js Add & Delete Table Row Dynamically React Js Change text color on hover React Js File Upload size Limit Validation React Js Remove/Delete item from array by id React Js Toggle Button on | off React Display Image From URL React Js Array Push Method React Js Add Object to Array React Js Compare Two Dates | Current Date How to Render base64 image in React | base64 to image React Js Dropdown onChange Event React Js Enable Disable Dropdown React Js Multi Select Dropdown Option React Js set Dropdown default value React Js Table with Search bar React Js Radio Button Validation React Js Enable Disable Radio Button React Js Change color of checked radio button React Js get radio button selected/checked value React Js handle multiple radio button in map function React Js Multiple Radio Button React Js Input url Validation How to Use Font Awesome Icons in React Js How to Use Font Awesome icons in Vue Js Font Awesome icons Color Change in React Js Font Awesome Icons Increase Size in React Js React Js Get domain name without subdomains React Js Input field onChange Event React Js Restrict Special Character React Disable Button if Input Empty React Js Input Mask for Date React Js Input mask for Phone Number React Js Conditional Rendering React Js conditionally applying className React Js Conditional inline style React Js focus Next input field on Enter React Input Number only Positive React Js Get Selected Date from Datepicker React Js Otp Input React Js Dynamically Add and Remove input fields to form React Js Clear Input default Value on focus React Js Validate Ip Address React Js get input field value React Js Get and add multiple Input field value dynamically React Js Multiple Checkbox with one Check at a Time React Js Get Multiple Checkbox Value React Js check/uncheck all checkboxes with a button React Js Get Input field Value using ref or id React Js Render Array of Objects React Js Array filter Method React Js Fetch Data from API | load data without reloading page React js Check array or object is undefined React Js get query Params React Js Update or Set Query Params React Js Check Value is Integer or String React Js Toast Message | Notification React Js Array Slice Method React Js Compare Two String React Js Get All Dates Between Two Dates React Js Convert String to Number React Get Image Size, Height, width and Dimension React Js Remove Multiple Space between words in string React Js Remove Empty String from array React Js Check Variable is String React Js Get Last Item from Array React Create Dynamic Array of Objects React Js change text of div dynamically React Js Change Favicon dynamically React Time Format - tolocalestring Format yyyy-mm-dd hh mm ss | yyyy-mm-dd hh mm React Get Random Element From Array React Js Change Url Dynamically React Js Disable Text Selection React Js String concatenation using template literals (es6) React Js Change text color based on brightness background How to Encode and Decode URLs in React and JavaScript React js write/create text to file React Js Multiple button copy to clipboard React Js Fullscreen Api How to Add inline Style in React Js ReactJS Resize div on drag | Draggable Div React Js Detect screen Orientation React Js Get All Mondays Between two dates React Js convert seconds to hours minutes seconds React Js Select all Text in Input Field on Focus React Js Change url without page reloading React Js Hide Alert after 5 seconds | Show Hide Alert React Js Set Hash(#) Value to URL React Close Modal After Submit or After 5 Second React Js Popup Modal Example React js close modal onclick outside React Show Text On Hover Image React Js Email Validation React Js Call Multiple Function onclick React Js Detect user switches tabs or leaves the page React Datepicker Disable Past Dates React Js Auto Resize Textarea React Js Generate/create hash password React Js form validation Example React Js String Length Property React Get Current DateTime | Reactjs DateTime Now React Js Array Length | Length Property React Js Remove All Spaces from String React Js String Substr Method React Js Concat Classname React Js String Charat Method Creating a React js Countdown Timer React Js Add Zero to Single Digit React Js Send/Post Form Data to APi React Js Table with Checkbox | SelectAll React Js Array Includes Method React Js Array findIndex() Method React Js String startsWith() Method React Js Array Unshift() Method React Js Convert String into Camel Case React Js Convert String into Title Case React Js Concat String with Space React Js make text with (#)hash tag bold React Js Show More/Less Text Button React Js Generate random Color React Js Detect Caps lock is on or off React js highlight matching text React Word Counter | React Js word count in Textarea React Js Convert String into Sentance case React Js Get Current Location React Js Window Resize Event React Check if String is Empty React Get Current Month and Year React Trigger Button Click on Enter React Js Table Sticky Header - HTML CSS | fixed table header Javascript get name from email address | React Js | Vue Js React Js Change page title and description of page dynamically React js check if input file is empty React Js Post Checkbox data to API React js get first two character of string from json React Js Generate Random Id React Js Datepicker set default today date React Js Separate array of timestamps into days React Js Get Current Timestamp | React Js Convert timestamp to date React Js Get Current Week number React Js enable/disable elements from an array React Js Disable submit button if element found in array React Js disable button according to input length React Js Enable Disable Input Field based on Radio Button Selection dynamically React Js Copy Paste Image Clipboard React Js Table Row Edit and Delete Button (React Table Editable) React Js Find and Replace Text in Textarea React Js Change Image Size with Slider React Js Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit or Fahrenheit to Celsius React Js Make Table Cell Clickable React Js Make Table Row Clickable React Js Table with Expandable Rows | Exapand Collapse Table React Js Convert Hex to RGB Color React Js Display/Show Text for few Seconds Add Two Numbers in React Js Calculating Quantity and Price Total in React React JS Convert Time 24 hours to 12 hour format React Js Format Number Example React Js Format Currency React Js Multiple Image Upload with Preview React Js Dynamic Select Option using Fetch Api React Js Dynamic Checkbox using Fetch Api React Js Delete Multiple Rows Data Using Checkbox React Js Dynamic Select Option using Array React Js Get DropDown Selected Value with OnChange Event React Js get selected color value from a color picker React Js Create Table from Array of Objects React Js Tabs Panel Component Example React Js Disable Button for 5 Seconds React Js Generate OTP React Character Counter | React Js Character Count in Textarea React js Convert Kebab Case to Camelcase String React Map example with index React Js show Random Image From array React js Table with Select Row React Js Table with Pagination | Search and Pagination | Filter, Sorting React Image full screen on click | Zoom in, Zoom out React Js Get Array Item/Value by Index React Js Change Active Tabs color onclick React Js Calculate Age by Date of Birth | Age Calculator React Js Year Picker | Year list in dropdown React Js Use Image as Link | image clickable React Js Month Picker React Js Open Link in New Window (not Tab) React js String Replace Slash with space React Js Rearrange Image Position | change order of img element | reorder React Js todo list Example React Js Change Font Size | inline Style | Increase | Descrese React Js Get Yesterday Date | Previous Date | Last Date React Js Get Tommorow Date - yyyy-mm-dd React js Dynamic Tabs add or delete functionality React Js Check Element Already Exist in Array if not Add React Js Create CSV File | Export Data to CSV File React CDN Example React Js Center Image in carousel onclick button React Js Image Upload to Server | Codeigniter React Js Add Timestamp to filename before image upload React Js Delete Image From Server Using CodeIgniter React Js Handling Multiple Inputs with a Single onChange Handler React Js Show/load Data in Edit Form | Update Data by Id using API React Js Get Selected Value from a Mapped Select Input React Js Get Select Value onclick button React Js get key of selected value from Dropdown React Js Show Hide Div Based on Dropdown Selection React Display Form Fields Based On Dropdown Selection React Js change url based on dropdown selected value| Change URL on select React Js Render Data to Form | Two way Binding React Js Array Find Method React Js Change/Update source URL on HTML5 video React Js Add Month to Date React Js Generate QR Code | Generator React Js Change Dynamic iframe url React Js Convert text to speech React Credit Card Expiry Date Validation - Expiration Date Format React Js Change Button Text and icon onclick React Js Change Button Icon and Color onclick React Js Change Button Text and Color onclick React Js Calculate Hours Between two Dates | Time Difference Between Two Dates React Js Disable Dropdown onclick Button React Js MutationObserver | Detect Changes in Element React js onclick pass parameter React Js Get id of element onClick React Js Drag Drop List Example | Drag Drop Array Element React Js Filter Array List by Category React Js Category Subcategory dropdown Example React Js Session Storage Example React Js Convert JSON to CSV File React Js Remove/Delete Property from Object React Js Scroll to Image Element React Js Show/Display Array of images React Js Dropdown with Search | Select React Js Multi Select Datepicker | Select Multiple Date React Multiselect Dropdown with Checkbox React Js Display Image Selected from Input Type File React Js Reset/Clear File Input onclick button React Dropdown with Images | Select Image React Js Change Image onhover | change an image src on hover React Js Display Text when hover over Icon React Js Get window scroll position | window.scrollY React Js Scrollable List with Dynamic Font Size React Js Set Character limit on an Input field React Js Set Placeholder on Input Field React js Check if an Element contains a class React js Replace spaces And Special Character with dashes and make all letters lower-case React JS Dynamically check if elements hit top of window React Js Focus Input onclick Button React Js Reset to initial State using hooks React Get Input Value on Button Click React Js Check Input Element is focused React Js Check if a Checkbox is checked | unchecked React Js Remove Element by Ref React Js Clear Div Content React Js Remove Item from array by Index React Js Disable Input Field based on Condition React Js Show/Display Image on link hover React Js Disable Button using ref React Js Sort Array of Object by Date Time React Js Format date now() React js Calculate Weeks, Days, Hours, and Minutes Ago from Custom Date Time to Current Date React js Calculate Minute Difference Two Dates React Js Window confirm() Method | Alert React Js Add item from array to another array where is same id React Js Get Difference between two Arrays of Objects React Js Get objects based on same id from an array React Js compare two arrays and remove object by object id React js open image new tab onclick image React Js Show different images for each list item onhover React Display Multiple Images from an Array of Object React Js Convert Timestamp to time age React Js Change color depending on Date Difference React Js Get Form Data on Submit React js Handle Input Change React Js Input Max Length | Min Length React Js Get Element by Ref React Js Get Element by Key React Js Get Element by Name React Ref Get Child Element by Id React Js Convert Negative Number to Positive Number React Js Change Color of Text based on its Positive or Negative Value React Js Check Value Positive or Negative Integer Material UI Set Max Length in Text field - MUI | React Js Material Ui CDN Example - React Js Material UI Image Upload Component - React Js React Js Detect Mouse Middle Button Clicked React Js get last item in map function React Js Detect When Video Finished Playing React Js use Refs to change image src React js Bold Specfic Text In a String React Js Ternary Operator in Style tag React Js Prevent Tab Indexing on Specific Elements React Js Allow File Input Type to Accept Only Image Files Reactjs Get Previous Year Date React Js Convert Date into ISOString() Format React Js Get Date One Month AGO React Js Disable the Resizing of the textarea Element React Js TextField onmouseover show text box React Js Convert Decimal to Hexadecimal React Js Convert a String into a Date React Js Remove All Digits from list of Strings React Js Get Position of maximum element in list React Js Count Blank Spaces in Text File React Js convert List of Integer to List of String React Js count Number of lists in a list of lists React Js Currency Converter React Js Prime Number Checker React Js Remove Odd Elements from List React Js Website Loading Time Checker React Js Find Minimum Pair Sum in list React Js Convert hex string into int React Js Binary to Hexadecimal Converter React Js Disabled Button after some Amount of Clicks React Js Convert Number into K thousand M million and B billion React Js Convert Second (Duration) to Minute React js Convert Number to Lakh or Crore React material Ui Alert Example React Material UI Dismissing alert Example React Material UI Disable Button for 5 Seconds React Js Table Data Sort Example React Js Hide Div After 5 Seconds React Js Get Current Year Last two Digit React Js Change Dynamic Open Graph Meta Tags Title & Description React Js Subtract Days from Date React Js Change CSS on Button Click React Js Compare UUID String Chart React Js Random Background Color React Js if else Conditional Rendering React Js Changing/shuffling text every Interval Time React Js Redirect to Another URL ReactJs Sort an array of objects by the length of a nested array React JS sort an array of objects by multiple fields React Js Sort AlphaNumeric String React Js Filter Data by Date Range React Js Get protocol, domain, and port from URL React Js Check Whether Url Starts with https or http React Js Make Entire Div as Link React Js Image Zoom on Hover React Js Image 3D Flip on hover React Js Remove First and last Character of String React Js Count Amount of Filtered Items React Js Counter App React Js Load More onclick button React Js Fullscreen Modal Dialog React Js Show or Hide Navbar on Scroll React Js Get Image URL after Upload Image React Js Detect URLs in Text and Convert to link React Js Cut and Paste Text onClick Button React Js Calculate Area & Perimeter of Circle React Js Map Select Option React Js Remove options from select list React Js Get Current Pathname of URL React Js Audio Recorder React Js Download JSON Data React Js filter by Range with Radio Button React Js Filter by Checkbox React Js Count Number of links in Document React Js Scroll Indicator React Js Collapsible Accordion React Js Draggable Div Element React Js Get Location from IP Address React Js Loading Spinner Button React Get Current Time React Js Pie Chart React Js Split String by its Length React Js Subtract Two Number React Js Multiply Two Number React Js Divide Two Number React Js Detect Internet Speed React Js Convert Image From URL to Base64 React Js Change objects position in array React Js Toggle Text React Js Google Pie Chart React Js Remove Element from Dom React Js Progress Max Value React Js Change Text Color Based on Value React Js Convert Decimal / Float Number to Whole / Integer React Js Get first letter of each word in a string React Js Check Object is Empty React Js convert string to Key-Value Object React Js Get Size of File React Js Convert File Size to MB React Js Disable Select Option Conditionally React Js Get String After Colon(:) React Js Add Class to Element by ID React Js Count Number of Times User Switches Between Tabs React Js Convert ASCII Code to Character React Js Convert Character to ASCII Code React Js Convert Positive Number to Negative React Js Reverse String React Js Generate Random String React Js Count the occurrences of each word in a string React Js Get Position of first occurrence of Empty String in Array React Js Get Date of Next Monday React Js Get Current Date in YYYY-MM-DD React Js Add Multiple Class to Element React Js Create Reusable Input Field React Js Draw a Horizontal Line with Text in the Middle React Js Validate Input File Type React Js Split a Full Name Into First and Last React Js Input onBlur Event Example React Js Download Video From Url | Link React Js Check Page is Reloaded or Refresh React Js Go Back to Previous Page React Js Save Textarea Value to Text File React Js Display CSV Data in Table React Js Validate a Bitcoin Address React Js Open Input file onclick button React Js Add Remove Class onclick React Input Mask React Js Tax Calculator React Js Convert Date to Unix Timestamp React Js Check First Letter of String is Uppercase React Js Compare Time String React Js Check Number is Float or Integer React Js Find Square Root of Number React Js Check if a Radio Button is Checked React Download PDF from API | URL React Js Get Day Name from a Specific Date React Js Check if Number is not Greater than 0 React Js Add Hours to a Date React Js Remove Vowels from a String React Js Count Number of Vowels in a string React Js Add Image to Array React Js Convert All Array Element to Lowercase React Js Get First and Last Day of Current Week React Js Change Image Every 5 Seconds React Js Skip Element of Array in .map() Function React Js Increase input width Dynamically React Js Check Type of an Input Element React Js Login Page | Login Form React Js Multiple Two Array of Element React Js Disable Radio Button using dropdown React Get Current Year React Get Current Month React Get Current Month Start Date and End Date

React js Password Validation Regex

React js Password Validation Regex:Reactjs password validation regex must enforce specific rules for password strength. These rules include requiring at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one digit, one special character, and a minimum length of 8 characters. Additionally, it must ensure that passwords contain at least one letter and one digit, with a minimum length of 8 characters. Furthermore, it should mandate a minimum of eight characters and a maximum of ten characters, with at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character.

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Abhishek Yadav (SD) SDE of FAI


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Anil Kumar (Expert) Coding Expert of FAI


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Jan 11, 2024 11:01 AM Last Updated

What is the recommended regular expression (regex) pattern for implementing password validation in Reactjs applications?

This ReactJS script sets up a password validation using regex. The password must contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one digit, one special character, and be at least 8 characters long. The user input is validated on input and shows a validation message if the password does not meet the criteria. A button is provided to toggle password visibility.

React Js Passowrd Regex - Password must contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one digit, one special character, and be at least 8 characters long.

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Output of Password Validation Regex in React Js

The Below code is a Reactjs component that implements password validation using a regular expression. The password must meet the following criteria:

  • It must contain at least one letter and one digit.
  • It must be at least 8 characters long.

The component renders an input field for the password and a button to toggle password visibility. When the user types or inputs a password, the validation function is called to check if it matches the specified criteria. If the password does not meet the requirements, a validation message is displayed below the input field.

React Js Password Regex : Password must contain at least one letter and one digit, and is at least 8 characters long

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Output of Password Validation Regex

This React JS component sets up a password input field with validation using a regular expression. The password must meet the following criteria: minimum eight characters, at least one letter, one number, and one special character (e.g., @$!%*#?&). When the password input is not valid, a validation message is displayed.

React Js Password Regex : Minimum eight characters, at least one letter, one number and one special character

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Output of Password Validation Regex

This ReactJS code implements password validation using a regular expression (regex). The regex requires passwords to have a minimum of eight and a maximum of ten characters, containing at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character. When users input a password in the form, it will show a validation message if the password does not meet the criteria. 

React Js password Regex : Minimum eight and maximum 10 characters, at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number and one special character

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Output of Password Validation Regex
